Friday, 12 April 2013

Ways to Overcome Dengue Fever

Dearest All,

As you all have heard from the news recently that there are so many epidemics happening around us.. Eg. of such epidemics are Dengue Fever & H7N9 bird flu starting to spread from China..

So, we gotta take extra precaution during this period & have a good immune system to stay strong & healthy! Try taking more Vitamins and drink plenty of water hor...

At the same time, carry tissue to work everyday with 2 drops of Lavendula, 2 drops of Lemon and 1 drop of Peppermint in tissue then fold it into a square-shape & put into your bag or pocket.


The symptoms usually develop within 4-7 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. Symptoms of classic dengue include:
  • High fever (up to 40.6 C)
  • Severe headache with retro-orbital (behind the eye) pain
  • Severe joint and muscle pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Body rash which appears on day 3 or 4
Dengue virus is transmitted by Aedes Mosquito...
Until now, there isn't any specific treatment but most people recover within 2 weeks...
How You can Prevent from Dengue??

The best way to prevent dengue fever is by taking precautions to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes which include:
  • Apply using Bryan's OmHealth Oil ~ Citrus Limonium (Lemon Oil), Eucalyptus, Lavendula Vera (Lavender), Peppermint or Tea Tree oil on your skin.
  • Dressing in protective clothing during the day-long-sleeved shirts, long pants, socks, and shoes especially in early morning hours before day break and in late afternoon after dark.
  • Keeping unscreened windows and doors closed.
  • Getting rid of areas where mosquitoes breed, such as standing water in flower pots, containers, and bamboo poles.

Limited Seats:


Hi All

All aroma oil and skincare can be purchased from

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Qi Flow - Upper Body

Looking around & observing people when travel by MRT / buses / public places, more than half of the crowd are looking at their smartphone including kids!

Are you one of them?  Frankly, I am!

First GUARD yourself with

Cotton/ tissue : 1 drop lavendula, 1 drop lemon and 1 drop peppermint. This combination protect a person's QI and boost immune system . for oil details;

When looking at the phone (playing game, checking emails etc), the head is bending down.  If we stay in this position for long time, the back of the neck follow by the shoulder will get tighter & stiff.

The bad energy (Qi) will trap in our upper part of body after looking at the computer or phone for long. There are may postures to open our shoulder and release the tension & allow proper blood flow (Qi flow) to the upper part of the body all the way to our finger tips

Wall Plank


Steps by Steps :
  • Drop Bryan's 5 elements oils on the wrist & rub them together. Place your wrist near your nose & inhale softly with your eyes closed. Serious case can add healing trees oil at base of foot.
  • Stand in front of a wall at arm’s length. Reach forward from your shoulders and place your palms on the wall, fingers wide open, middle fingers pointing straight at the ceiling.
  • Firm your fingers into the wall & spine parallel to the floor & folding wrist. Eventually you’ll come to an L-shape as seen here. 
  • Slowly let go your head & it will naturally move forward (like hanging). 
  • Feel the gravity pulling your body weight down to the floor & getting heavy.  Sensation slowly coming from the shoulder blade & upper body including your fingers. Some may also feel the back of your legs (for tight hamstring)
  • If you can’t get there today without feeling pain or rounding in the lower back, bend your knees and maintain the proper spinal alignment.
  • When into the pose, close your eyes & hold it for min 3 minutes depending your endurance level
Cautions :
When releasing from pose, do it very slowly to allow the blood moving downwards from the head after holding forward for a while.
Enjoy ! And this posture improve skin radiance. Do it after hydrating mask omhealth is extremely good.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Simple acupoints to swear by

Bryan Laoshi has shared many knowledge in his East Meets West class.

To recap for his students and easy for anyone to use :D
All meridians should be pressed 6 times each.

Can you still remember the ISO standard abbreviations of the 12 meridians?  hehe...

1. Indigestions?  Diarrhea?  Stomaches and Nausea?
---> Arc of foot, one thumb width in the back of the ball of the foot (do this while waiting for TV advertisement to finish)

2.  Feeling fatigue?  Drained by work & life?  And having stomach related problems such as indigestions, bloatedness?
--->  Cup your palm on the knee cap.  And relaxingly spread open your fingers.  On the 4th finger is the Zu San Li ( 足三里 - let u walk another 3 mile ^_^ ).  This strengthens the body too.  You can do anytime like while watching TV or waiting for bus (do it graciously and unknowingly to public hehe)

3.  Having Insomnia?  Worried?  Got pek chek from work cannot sleep?  Had a tiff with bf before sleep?  Oooops.
--->  These 2 meridians improve body Qi, insomnia, headaches, giddiness, constipations, hot flushes & fainting.

4.  Insomnia?  Sim teh (heart pain)?  Forgetful???
--->  These 2 points relieve body pain and discomfort  (press while u on the bus / mrt watching drama :P )

5.  Stomaches?  Indigestion?  Nausea?  Anxiety?
--->  4 fingers below the wrist, middle point.

6.  Got eye infection?  Neck pain?  Fever aches?  Dizziness?  Painful PMS?  Or night sweatiness?
--->  This meridian also helps when you have body heatiness.  Press and u will feel an aching feeling at first.  a few more time will be ok le.

6.  Sore throat?  Bad persistent cough?

When you try these meridians once twice thrice, you will slowly remember where to press at what occasions.  Make it a habitual to do these daily activation of important meridians, such as #1, 2 and 3 and you will experience impreovements in general health.  :D

Hot and sticky?

Hmmm wat did i not bring? Another pair of socks? Check. Perfume? Check. Plastic bag for soaked socks? Check. Ahhh or should I just change to slippers instead? Ahhhhhhhhhhh...! *headache

Does tis ever occur to u? On a typical weekend, u intended to set out of the house in yr most comfortable track shoes ... And u also need to visit a fren at his home later.... Or go to a temple for some peace n quiet time... Or as simple as a bowling time with yr buddies.  Yet all u worry abt is the sour smell u may let out the minute u take off yr shoes?... Ewwww.... Ya all yr image gone. Poof !

U got me. It happens too often. I had to quickly ask where the bathroom is at my fren's place in order to wash my feet.... N not before I left some traces of smell from the living room trailing all the way to the toilet. (*.*)

Smelly feet is definitely not a choice; esp. in a humid country like our beautiful SG.  But we can all treat this foot odor at the early stages.  When your feet sweat due to exterior heat or exercise, it creates an optimum environment for the growth of bacteria.  Your foot is covered with sweat glands and when perspiration combines with the bacteria growing there it creates a smell.  Eliminate or reduce the amount of sweat and you will likely reduce the odor.

Some of us (definitely me) had to resort to open toe heels instead of the power and killer sexy looking Mary Jane shoes. Trust me, I seriously drool over and jealous with ladies who can pull off sexy covered heels.  But still this does not really help!!  Bacteria are often present on our feet as they feed off the dead skin on the soles of our feet and between our toes.  Sloughing or using pumice can help to reduce that dead skin on the sole and eliminate some of their food source.  This bacteria has a distinct odor that is reminiscent of cheese.  So now you know open toe shoes are not the "cure" either. 

What can you do to prevent having smelly feet?  Limit the amount of sweat on your feet first.  Wear shoes with good ventilation and have regular times of the day when you don’t wear shoes at all, such as in your home.  Rotate the shoes that you wear, perhaps on a weekly basis.  Also choose a good quality cotton sock over one made with polyester or nylon.  Those products don’t breathe as well and cotton is more absorbent to help wick away the sweat as it surfaces.

You can also help yourself with some homemade (with love) foot powder.

1 cup baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
3 drops omhealth lavendula vera essential oil (powerful antibacterial)
7 drops Peppermint Avernesis essential oil (antiseptic)
2 drops Cliincal Grade Tea tree oil (anti-viral & anti-fungal)

Mix all the oils and the powder thoroughly.  Store in a shaker container, such as an old talcum powder container.  Lightly dust over bare feet before putting on socks and in shoes too.  You will feel better smelly the oils too !

Alternatively, you may choose below combination for change of aroma (keep to 12 drops to 1 cup of baking soda):
Lavender, lemon (disinfectant) and rosemary (anti-bacterial & antiseptic)
If you are uncomfortable with baking soda, you may also buy a talcum powder off the shelf and add these oil and mix.

Remember to keep your feet dry at all times possible.  Change socks daily (you should also turn your socks inside out when washing to clear all the bacterial.
Ahhhh now I can sleep soundly and not having to worry about my stinky feet lingering at my fren's place tomorrow ... Sweet dreams ;)