Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Aromatic Affirmations Part Three

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Throat Chakra

Put one or two drops of essential oils like chamomile, frankincense or cypress rub on both palms and place them over your throat.

State these affirmations:

" My voice speaks the truth of love. Only love comes from my lips."

" I'm clear. I 'm understood. I'm heard. I am valued for what I have to say."

" I'm able to communicate my emotions effectively. I'm confident in my vulnerability."

Aromatic Affirmations Part Two

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Mind Affirmation

Non-beneficial thoughts can prevent us from moving forward into authentic actions in our lives. 
Rise above them. Don't give those dark thoughts your vital energy; it will only drag you down and you have too much vibrant living to do.

This affirmation clears the mental cobwebs to create quantifiable momentum into the life that you have always dreamed.

Add one drop of rosemary, basil or lemongrass to your fingertips. Place them on top of your head, your third eye, and at the base of your skull. Apply firm but gentle pressure to the head and state one of these affirmations:

" My thoughts are clear, focused, and supporting me to achieve my most intimate aspirations."

" I'm in full alignment with my higher and lower selves to create union, momentum, and perfect unfoldment."

" I trust my inner wisdom and use it to guide me in all aspects of life."

" I am present in this moment."

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Aromatic Affirmations Part One

Image result for affirmations with scenery

Part One

Why affirmations?
Words have powerful vibrations. Experiments showed that water molecules change their shape depending on what is written on a jar of water. Words like "love", "gratitude" and "peace" form beautiful crystalline formations, whereas words like "hate", "war", and " destruction" form irregular and disfigured shapes. Since we are made from mostly water, we can encode our bodies with messages that are dynamic, empowering, and love-filled.

In dark moments, we tend to forget that we have the ability to shape our daily experience. We can choose love or fear in every situation. Choose love.

Repeat your chosen affirmation slowly and with intention. Allow the potency of the oils to penetrate deeply inside you. Track them. Ask for messages, clarity and clearing on specific matters that are affecting your life. Keep a journal to record any memories, ideas, thoughts, or insights that come from this meditation. Essential oils have tremendous wisdom and healing ability. The more you welcome them in, the more they're able to work their magic.